From Genova to your heart: my personal trip of the city??

A Genova si respira un clima che porta alla contemplazione e alla riflessione. È una specie di pigrizia che però stimola la creatività, soprattutto in campo musicale. Gli odori, il cibo, l’umore introverso delle persone: tutto può dare spunti per mestieri artistici. 

-Cristiano De Andrè

Hi there, thanks to read my blog!

This post about my trip to Genova is half in Italian and half in English, so if you study languages you can use it to do some language practice! Enjoy…

Non si fanno alcuni viaggi per caso. Questo per Genova, infatti, è un insieme di contemplazione e di scoperta. Sacra e profana, come il suo mare e forse come la gente che la attraversa forse senza mai realmente abitarla. La rivedo oggi come 16 anni fa per la prima volta. Questa volta ad accompagnarmi mia figlia Emma, spavalda esploratrice come me a suo tempo al fianco di Max, genovese mezzosangue napoletano (come dire un marchio di sublime dannazione). Tanto cambia durante un viaggio, ma su tutto cambiano i nostri sguardi sulla città. Si plasma con il suo soprannome nella nostra immaginazione. La Superba, così è Genova. Ma Superba per ricchezza e carisma, ha venduto tutto al suo mare in cambio di vicoli bui dove gli ultimi si accompagnano ai primi e dove non si vede il sole. Tutto questo per dire che ti puoi innamorare di una città così. I contrasti sono fascino e qui a Genova ce ne sono troppi forse. Ascolto  Parce Mihi Dimine lungo via S. Lorenzo, mentre la gente mi passa di fianco. Non potrei essere più in estasi.

This trip to Genoa is something very special for me, essentially for two reasons: the first one is for the city itself, the city of Paganiniana Festival and Paganini‘s home, and that is a big reason for a violinist. In Genoa, in fact, you can see the original Paganini’s violin that is kept in Palazzo Tursi (one of the majestic Buildings settled in Genoa); the second reason is that this is the real first trip alone, just Emma and me. Do you know a special feeling that you feel when you book a flight? It was so special this time, more than other before, especially for this. 

Watch my video about this trip to Genova!!!

The sunset was the special gift from the city at our arrival. The terrible view of Ponte Morandi ruins by the flight was something that I can’t forget easily. By the way, to reach our accommodation we passed through all the main parts of the city center and we can enjoy the Ancient port redesigned by Renzo Piano.

The first day is dominated by the sea, we decided to visit the old port and to stroll around the beautiful Carruggi nearby the most visited city attractions such as Aquarium and Bigo. We visited the Aquarium the same day as well and this visit took us two hours and a half. Such a beautiful place to discover and very well organized. Delfins and jellyfishes are my favorites and Emma loved sharks most of everything. 

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After Aquarium nothing is better than finding some places to eat something traditional and explore the historical center. So let’s take a look at the market in front of the port and then go straight to San Lorenzo Church, the most iconic place in the center. In fact, this stunning Duomo dominates the square and the facade is so minimalist and magnetic at the same time. Inside the light can’t be more suggestive than it is.


Alla fine, esausti per le veglie, fradici e con le occhiaie, giunsero alla bellissima e splendida città di Genova e qui, dopo essere sbarcati nella sua darsena riparata e dopo aver fatto visita ad una chiesa, il capitano e tutta la brigata ripararono in un’osteria dove annebbiarono il ricordo di tutte le burrasche passate con il gaudeamus presente. […] Il buon Tomás ebbe modo di ammirare anche i biondi capelli delle genovesi, l’eleganza e la cortesia degli uomini, l’ammirevole bellezza della città che sembrava avere le case incastonate su per quelle rocce come diamanti nell’oro. 

 –Miguel De Cervantes




The real surprise is the beautiful light that you can find in some corner and the huge difference between a street and another. We headed to some churches that I cannot recommend you more, such as Santa Maria Delle Vigne, a real expression of the splendor and the sophisticated beauty of Genova. The wall paintings are dark and elegant and represent the richest period of the Maritime Republic domain in the Mediterranean Sea for eight 

Palazzo Ducale hosts an exhibition of Paganini Rockstar until March 10th and it’s one of my aim for this year ( unfortunately we arrived earlier !!!). But during our stay, Rolli buildings are open for free and it was possible to enjoy most of the famous mansions of the richest families. 

Palazzo Ducale: stairs




A beautiful experience I can’t forget is the Dialogo al Buio path. I choose to do this when I read on the internet about the possibility to do a path on a boat, in which we can try to make a simulation of simple everyday actions completely blindness. This kind of experience was perfect to do with a young child as Emma that was enthusiastic about the idea to go shopping or take a bus without the usage of eyes. The sweet Luana won’t forget that chatty girl!

Spianata Castelletto and Boccadasse were the last part of our small trip. No more than this to end a beautiful trip like this. Most of all, Boccadasse took my heart and eyes thanks to its stunning views in front of the sea. No more words just some pics. It’s a neighbor of Genova but it seems more as a small seafaring borgo nearby the sea, surrounded by small boats.

[one-half-first]Where we sleep[/one-half-first]


[one-half]B&B Genova Liberty[/one-half]



[one-half-first]Where we eat[/one-half-first]


  • La Locanda in Centro
  • Pastificio Canneto ( Ugo the owner is superb!)
  • Il Genovese
  • Focaccia e…


[one-half-first]Where we explore[/one-half-first]


  • San Lorenzo Church
  • San Matteo
  • S. Maria delle Vigne
  • Palazzo Ducale
  • Chiesa della Consolazione
  • San Pietro in Banchi
  • Palazzo Ambrogio/De Negro
  • Chiesa del Gesù
  • Spianata Castelletto
  • Boccadasse
  • Sant’Antonio di Boccadasse 


[one-half-first]Where we discover[/one-half-first]


  • Aquarium
  • Dialogo al Buio





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